Lexair Full Bore® Chuck line features a fully
self contained collet chuck that does not require an
external actuator. Therefore, the use of a drawtube is
eliminated allowing the full spindle inner diameter to
be utilized with larger bar stock than can be used with
typical hydraulic 3 jaw chucks.
Air pressure is used to open the
chuck and release the collet. Our chuck features strong,
dependable die springs (mounted in the axial, not the
radial plane) to provide the mechanical grip force.
Clamping force is adjustable by simply tightening or
loosening the collet via spanner wrench holes in the
front. When machining softer materials, the clamp force
can be further reduced by easily removing pairs of
springs from inside the chuck. Full Bore®
chucks allow higher spindle speeds as they do not have
heavy jaws that can loose their grip due to centrifugal
force at higher speeds.
The product line features
concentricity adjustment capability for increased setup
accuracy as well as visual force indicators to monitor
force adjustments. The chuck body is shorter then an
equal diameter 3 jaw chuck which improves tool
clearance. The use of spring force to clamp the
workpiece means the chuck has a true "fixed-length" grip
with no drawback giving the machine operator more
precise locating ability. This feature combined with the
aforementioned adjustable concentricity feature allows
hex, round, or square bar feeding plus fast collet or
pad changes. This leads to decreases in loss of
manufacturing time, increases in production time and
lowers overall process/part costs. With an operation
time of less then one second, our Full Bore®
chucks offer you the opportunity to dramatically
increase machining throughput in your facility.